eBobble Tech Apps

Hallowen Haunted Graveyard ... 1.0
eBobble Tech
Ghost Hunter's Haunted Graveyard LiveWallpaper by MSRtech brings the paranormal straight to your phone.Talk about communicating with the other side, this open up all-newchannels. No medium needed. Touch the orbs to release spirits andeerie ghost hands. Watch out! The ghosts are gonna get cha...Shhh... what was that? Can you hear them? What are they saying?Are they next to you?Count the different types of spirits haunting your cell phone.There's a dark cloaked figure, a lady in white and other ghastlyfloating ghosts. Can you capture them in your hand before theydisappear into the graveyard mist? How many spirits you canrelease? Time yourself. Make a game of it. Release some stress.Have some fun.Like no other live wallpaper, this one is created by MSRtech, aleader in creative apps and live wallpapers. This is the first in aseries of cool and clever new live wallpapers like you've neverseen before. Subscribe to MSRtech to receive texts when the newestlive wallpapers are available.If you like this live wallpaper, don't get spooked. Get otherparanormal-themed live wallpapers from eBobble Tech (MSRtech'spartner in creativity and fun). Find eBobblehead aliens, Bigfoot(Bigfeet?) and more. Watch their heads bobble on your home screen!See if they have a message! Several different virtual bobbleheadlive wallpapers to choose from that you'll want them all. Swap 'emout as often as you want.Watch for limited-edition Halloween eBobbles, too! Ghost,Pumpkin, Witch and more.
Sasquatch Live Wallpaper 8.0
eBobble Tech
Finding Bigfoot fan? GREAT! At eBobble, LLC,we love Bigfoot, too. That’s why we created this fun Bigfoot LIVEwallpaper for your phone!We have other Bigfoots (Bigfeet?), too. While you’re at it, getFun Alien and our realistic Little A “LE” INN Creepy Alien. It’sour tribute to Area 51.Look for more aliens and fringe archeology LIVE wallpapers fromeBobble, LLC! Get ‘em all. Text the word “ebobble” to 90407 toreceive alerts for our newest eBobbleheads and offers.
Creepy Alien Live Wallpaper 8.0
eBobble Tech
Meet eBobble’s newest friend, Creepy Alien. Hesports a tee-shirt from his recent trip down the ExtraterrestrialHighway in Nevada!As you can see, he stopped by the Little A “LE” INN. Don’t lethim spook you. He comes in peace. If you’re nice and show himaround to your family and friends, maybe he’ll take you for a ridein his cool spaceship!This is just one of a growing library of eBobble LIVE wallpaperbobbleheads for your phone. Get ‘em all. Text the word “ebobble” tonumber "90407" to receive alerts for our newest eBobbleheads andoffers.
Scary Skeleton 4 UR Halloween 8.0
eBobble Tech
Dem bones... dem bones... Get the eBobbleScary Skeleton livewallpaper for Halloween. Watch him do the bone dance acrossyourscreen. Limited edition!Every time you move your phone or change from one main screen tothe next Scary Skeleton will do his bobbling head dance.The thigh bone's connected to the knee bone, the knee bone'sconnectedto the shin bone... What could be more fun that having your veryownSkip Skeleton taking up residence on your phone?This one's a keeper! Doctors and nurses will love him. Howfrighteningly fun!Install this fun eBobble Scary Skeleton live wallpaper now andgetinto the spirit of Halloween. It's just one of several hauntinglyfunlive wallpapers eBobble offers to help you celebrate the season.Getthem all; swap them out with ease!When you install all the unique eBobble live wallpapers andvirtualbobbleheads, they store in your applications. Swapping them outiseasy as 1, 2, 3.1) Go to the Play Store and hit INSTALL.2) Hit DONE when the live wallpaper is installed.3) Return to you home screen and LONG PRESS to choose thelivewallpaper you want.Get Scary Skeleton and all the other Limited EditioneBobblelive wallpapers for Halloween. Because they are LIMITED EDITIONSforthe season, you can't get them after next week. But if they're onyourphone... they stay there till you take them off.If you miss this chance to get the live eBobbles FREE OF CHARGE,theonly way to get them will be as a special collection in oureBobbleapp! Why wait? Get all of our spooky eBobbles FREE before the endofnext week. We will release one every day. Make this a dailyhaunt!
Happy Hanukkah 2014 8.0
eBobble Tech
On Tuesday evening, Jews will light theirmenorahs for the first night of Hanukkah.The Hanukkah story celebrates two events. The first describeshow a small army of Jews, led by the Maccabee brothers, defeatedthe Seleucid Greco-Syrian Empire in Jerusalem. At the time, theSeleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes outlawed the Jewish religion,desecrated the Second Temple and made Jews sacrifice pigs -- anon-kosher animal -- on its altar.After the Maccabees defeated the Greeks, they rededicated theSecond Temple. To do so, they needed to light the menorah -- acandelabra inside the temple that was part of daily Temple service-- each night. The Maccabees were able to do so with a small dropof oil that lasted for eight nights. The event is considered amiracle since it gave the Maccabees enough time to find a freshbatch of oil.Each night, for eight nights, Jews light a branch of a menorah.The middle and tallest branch of the candelabra houses the shamash(helper candle) that's used to light the other candles. Each night,a new candle is placed from right to left. They are lit from leftto right. Three blessings are said during this time. Jews are toldto place the menorah in the front windows of their homes topublicize the Hanukkah miracle.Gift-giving has become associated with Hanukkah. This traditionis believed to stem from the influence of Christmas. Usuallypresents are given by parents to their children. “Gelt,” or smallamounts of money, are the only traditional gift associated with theholiday.
Jack-O-Lantern 4 UR Halloween! 8.0
eBobble Tech
Boo! Did the eBobble Jack-O-Lantern livewallpaper scare you?Excellent! What better way to celebrate Halloween? Each time yourmove your phone or change main screens Jack-O-Lantern will bobblehis head!Jack-O-Lantern is the 1st of 7 Halloween e-Bobbleheads ...Collect them all before they disappear!Get into the spirit by installing this free LIMITED EDITIONlivewallpaper to your phone. It's just one of several hauntingly funlivewallpapers eBobble offers to help you celebrate Halloween. Getthemall; swap them out with ease!When you install all the unique eBobble live wallpapers andvirtualbobbleheads, they store in your applications. Swapping them outiseasy as 1, 2, 3.1) Go to the Play Store and hit INSTALL.2) Hit DONE when the live wallpaper is installed.3) Return to you home screen and LONG PRESS to bring up the menu tochange your wallpapers ... Be sure to choose 'live wallpapers' tofind Jack-O-Lantern eBobble!.Get this crazy-fun Jack-O-Lantern and all the other LimitedEdition eBobble live wallpapers. That's the really scary part. Youwon't be able to get them after next week, but if they're on yourphone... they stay there till you take them off.If you miss this chance to get the live eBobbles FREE OF CHARGE,the only way to get them will be as a special collection in oureBobble app! Why wait. Get all of our spooky eBobbles FREE beforethe end of next week. We will release one every day. Make this adaily haunt!
Creepy Spider e-Bobblehead 8.0
eBobble Tech
Watch out! The eBobble Creepy Spider livewallpaper's gonna catch youin his web for Halloween. Install quick. Limited edition!Each time you move your phone or move from one main screen tothe next Creepy Spider will bobble for you!If you like spiders or just like to get a little creeped out bythem,install this fun eBobble Creepy Spider now and get into the spiritofHalloween. It's just one of several hauntingly fun livewallpaperseBobble offers to help you celebrate the season. Get them all;swapthem out with ease!When you install all the unique eBobble live wallpapers andvirtualbobbleheads, they store in your applications. Swapping them outiseasy as 1, 2, 3.1) Go to the Play Store and hit INSTALL.2) Hit DONE when the live wallpaper is installed.3) Return to you home screen and LONG PRESS to open up the box tochange your wallpaper. Be sure to choose the live wallpaper to findeBobble's Creepy Spider.Get this Creepy Spider and all the other Limited Edition eBobblelivewallpapers for Halloween. Because they are LIMITED EDITIONS fortheseason, you can't get them after next week. But if they're onyourphone... they stay there till you take them off.If you miss this chance to get the live eBobbles FREE OF CHARGE,theonly way to get them will be as a special collection in oureBobbleapp! Why wait? Get all of our spooky eBobbles FREE before the endofnext week. We will release one every day. Make this a dailyhaunt!
eBobble Tech
Pretty princess in you life? Let here BE aneBobble and share her with the world.What a fun way to say 'I love you' and you are my specialprincess!Comes complete with the background you see and the beautifulprincess dress. Different backgrounds and dresses are available foryour custom Princess eBobblehead. She's guaranteed to make yousmile as her head bobbles with every movement of yoursmartphone.Call us to discuss YOUR custom eBobblehead today @ 949.613.2099.This pretty pretty princess can come in any color with YOUR headbobbling. Let us create one for you or a loved one. All you willneed to do is take an image of your head looking directly at thecamera with a white or single colored background and email it toeBobble. We will take care of the rest and then send you a proofcopy before we upload to the Google Play Store. Cost is ONLY$25.Don't like the princess ... we can put your eBobbling head onany body ... celebrate your profession ... create one for someoneelse ... salute your hobby ... or be Bigfoot ... or drop your ex ina shark tank! We can create any custom eBobblehead that youwant.
Cornucopia Live WallPaper 8.0
eBobble Tech
A perfect LIVE WALLPAPER as you prepare forthis years Thanksgiving. Every time you move your phone or changescreen the little bluebird bobbles happily on top of this bountifulcornucopia.Get one or all of eBobble's LIMITED TIME-ONLY Gobble Bobble(TM)live wallpaper line up. Choose from Tofu Turkey, Pilgrim Patty andPilgrim Pete, Native Nadine and Native Ned, the really coolColorful Corn'u'copia and Falling Leaves.Install these live wallpapers to your phone. Switch 'em outaccording to your mood. Each has something different to offer. Allare great fun!Why have a naked phone when you can give it flare witheBobblehead live wallpapers? Installing is easy. They load to yourlive wallpaper archive that's already on your phone. That means youkeep 'em forever... even after they're no longer available in thePlay Store!These Limited-Time eBobbleheads will be available only throughthe middle of December. Then they'll be gone.Grab yours now!Look for eBobble Hanukah and Christmas eBobblehead livewallpapers... coming soon!
FUN Bigfoot Live Wallpaper 8.0
eBobble Tech
Finding Bigfoot fan? GREAT! At eBobble, LLC,we love Bigfoot, too. That’s why we created this FUN Bigfoot LIVEwallpaper!We have other Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) and Sasquatchs, too.While you’re at it, get Fun Alien and our realistic Little A“LE” INN Creepy Alien. It’s our tribute to Area 51. Look for morealiens and fringe archeology LIVE wallpapers from eBobble, LLC! Get‘em all.Text the word “ebobble” to 90407 to receive alerts for ournewest eBobbleheads and offers.
Turkey eBobble LiveWallPaper 8.0
eBobble Tech
Turkey eBobble is a Live Wallpaper that issure to bring smiles from everyone who see his head bobbling!Get one or all of eBobble's LIMITED TIME-ONLY Gobble Bobble(TM)live wallpaper line up. Choose from Tofu Turkey, Pilgrim Patty andPilgrim Pete, Native Nadine and Native Ned, the really coolColorful Corn'u'copia and Falling Leaves.Install these live wallpapers to your phone. Switch 'em outaccording to your mood. Each has something different to offer. Allare great fun!Why have a naked phone when you can give it flare witheBobblehead live wallpapers? Installing is easy. They load to yourlive wallpaper archive that's already on your phone. That means youkeep 'em forever... even after they're no longer available in thePlay Store!These Limited-Time eBobbleheads will be available only throughthe middle of December. Then they'll be gone.Grab yours now!Look for eBobble Hanukah and Christmas eBobblehead livewallpapers... coming soon!
Mark Mazza eBobble 8.0
eBobble Tech
Former Orange County, California, PolicemanMark H. Mazza brings you unique fiction based on his real-lifeexperiences from his time on the streets. What you read may shockand intrigue you. What comes to mindisn't the pristine streets of the OC. Scenes expose the darkcorners and seedy underbelly of a city much like those found in thenicest parts of southern California that leave you wondering whichside of the law the "clean" residents are really on! Watch atrailer and buy the book.The first in a two-part series, WANNABEES dives into the darkcorners of what appears to be the picturesque southern Californiacommunity of Wilkens. Here there is a seedy underbelly that no onewants to talk about and where denial is a part of everyday life. Asmore people move to the area in an attempt to fulfill their versionof the American Dream, something unexpected happens. A nightmarefor rookie Police Officer Donovan Kelly begins with a liquor storerobbery gone wrong. The mystery unravels from there.You can find more info about Mark Mazza and his WANNABEES seriesat: http://www.authormarkmazza.com/ ~
Native Nadine eBobble LW 8.0
eBobble Tech
Welcome Native Nadine eBobble toyourThanksgiving this year and enjoy your bounty! And be sure toinviteNative Ned. He is hungry and carrying corn for everyonethisThanksgiving.There are more Thanksgiving eBobbles so be sure to seeanddownload them all!Happy Thanksgiving ... We all have so much to be thankfulforthis year.Get one or all of eBobble's LIMITED TIME-ONLY GobbleBobble(TM)live wallpaper line up. Choose from Tofu Turkey, PilgrimPatty andPilgrim Pete, Native Nadine and Native Ned, the reallycoolColorful Corn'u'copia and Falling Leaves.Install these live wallpapers to your phone. Switch 'emoutaccording to your mood. Each has something different to offer.Allare great fun!Why have a naked phone when you can give it flarewitheBobblehead live wallpapers? Installing is easy. They load toyourlive wallpaper archive that's already on your phone. That meansyoukeep 'em forever... even after they're no longer available inthePlay Store!These Limited-Time eBobbleheads will be available onlythroughthe middle of December. Then they'll be gone.Grab yours now!Look for eBobble Hanukah and Christmas eBobbleheadlivewallpapers... coming soon!
eBobble Tech
Welcome Native Ned eBobble to yourThanksgivingthis year and enjoy your bounty! And be sure to inviteNativeNadine. She is hungry and carrying a pumpkin for the pumpkinpie shewill be making.There are more Thanksgiving eBobbles so be sure to seeanddownload them all!Happy Thanksgiving ... We all have so much to be thankfulforthis year.Get one or all of eBobble's LIMITED TIME-ONLY GobbleBobble(TM)live wallpaper line up. Choose from Tofu Turkey, PilgrimPatty andPilgrim Pete, Native Nadine and Native Ned, the reallycoolColorful Corn'u'copia andFalling Leaves.Install these live wallpapers to your phone. Switch 'emoutaccording to your mood. Each has something different to offer.Allare great fun!Why have a naked phone when you can give it flarewitheBobblehead live wallpapers? Installing is easy. They load toyourlive wallpaper archive that's already on your phone. That meansyoukeep 'em forever... even after they're no longer available inthePlay Store!These Limited-Time eBobbleheads will be available onlythroughthe middle of December. Then they'll be gone.Grab yours now!Look for eBobble Hanukah and Christmas eBobbleheadlivewallpapers... coming soon!
Pilgrim Patti eBobble LW 8.0
eBobble Tech
Pilgrim Patti is eBobble's newestEmoodiconLIVE WALLPAPER just in time for Thanksgiving. Be sure todownloadPilgrim Pete also so he can come along to your Thanksgivingfeast.Watch Pilgrim Patti's head bobble every time you move yourphoneor change screens ... It is all that good food he islookingforward to eating!Get one or all of eBobble's LIMITED TIME-ONLY GobbleBobble(TM)live wallpaper line up. Choose from Tofu Turkey, PilgrimPatty andPilgrim Pete, Native Nadine and Native Ned, the reallycoolColorful Corn'u'copia and Falling Leaves.Install these live wallpapers to your phone. Switch 'emoutaccording to your mood. Each has something different to offer.Allare great fun!Why have a naked phone when you can give it flarewitheBobblehead live wallpapers? Installing is easy. They load toyourlive wallpaper archive that's already on your phone. That meansyoukeep 'em forever... even after they're no longer available inthePlay Store!These Limited-Time eBobbleheads will be available onlythroughthe middle of December. Then they'll be gone.Grab yours now!Look for eBobble Hanukah and Christmas eBobbleheadlivewallpapers... coming soon!
eBobble Tech
Feeling Angry? Share your emotion withtheworld with this eMOODicon. Angry Andy is just one emotion youcanshow with the exclusive eBobble line of eMOODicons. Look forSadSack, Happy Harry, Sic Sid to name a few. Angry Allison willbeavailable soon so check back with eBobble eMOODicon line.Angry Andy will ONLY be available for a limited time so acttodayand download/install today. You will want to get them all soyou canshow everyone how you feel at any give time.LIVE WALLPAPERS are easy to change. Your phoneautomaticallystores them for you, making them ready toactivate.Like Angry Andy? ... you will want to check out oureBobbleBigfoot ... or eBobblehead Creepy Alien ... or eBobble FunAlien... or eBobble BOSS ... plus more.
Angry Girl Allison 8.0
eBobble Tech
Feeling Angry? Share your emotion withtheworld with this eMOODicon. Angry Allison is just one emotionyoucan show with the exclusive eBobble line of eMOODicons. LookforSad Sack, Happy Harry, Sic Sid to name a few. Angry Andyisavailable also in the eBobble eMOODicon line.Angry Allison will ONLY be available for a limited time soacttoday and download/install today. You will want to get them allsoyou can show everyone how you feel at any give time.LIVE WALLPAPERS are easy to change. Your phoneautomaticallystores them for you, making them ready toactivate.Like Angry Allison? ... you will want to check out oureBobbleBigfoot ... or eBobblehead Creepy Alien ... or eBobble FunAlien... or eBobble BOSS ... plus more.
Fun Alien Live Wallpaper 8.0
eBobble Tech
Who knew aliens could be fun? Well they canbeit appears with the Fun Alien LIVE WALLPAPER from eBobble.Downloadthis Fun Alien and each time you move your smartphone hishead willbobble. He will quickly become your friend because hisbobblinghead will put a smile on your face!Look for more eBobbleheads. Get ‘em all. Text the word“ebobble”to 90407 to receive alerts for our newest eBobbles andoffers.
Devilish Dan 4 UR Halloween 8.0
eBobble Tech
What a little devil! He wants you toinstallhim for Halloween. Hurry!The eBobble Devilish Dan live wallpaper is a LIMITED EDITION!Itwon'tbe long till he disappears, but if you install him on yourphonenow,he's all yours forever!What could be more fun that having your very own DevilishDantakingup residence on your phone? Share him with friends throughGooglePlayStore! They can download him or his sister, Devilish Debbie.Frighteningly fun! Make one hot move and install DevilishDantoday.Install this fun eBobble Devilish Dan live wallpaper now andgetintothe spirit of Halloween. It's just one of several hauntinglyfunlivewallpapers eBobble offers to help you celebrate the season.Getthemall; swap them out with ease!When you install all the unique eBobble live wallpapersandvirtualbobbleheads, they store in your applications. Swapping themoutiseasy as 1, 2, 3.1) Go to the Play Store and hit INSTALL.2) Hit DONE when the live wallpaper is installed.3) Return to you home screen and LONG PRESS to choose thelivewallpaper you want.Get this Devilish Dan and all the other Limited EditioneBobblelivewallpapers for Halloween. Because they are LIMITED EDITIONSfortheseason, you can't get them after next week. But if they'reonyourphone... they stay there till you take them off.If you miss this chance to get the live eBobbles FREE OFCHARGE,theonly way to get them will be as a special collection inoureBobbleapp! Why wait? Get all of our spooky eBobbles FREE before theendofnext week. We will release one every day. Make this adailyhaunt!
Pilgrim Pete Live WallPaper 8.0
eBobble Tech
Pilgrim Pete is eBobble's newest Emoodiconjustin time for Thanksgiving. Be sure to download Pilgrim Pattyalso soshe can come along to your Thanksgiving feast.Watch Pilgrim Pete's head bobble every time you move yourphoneor change screens ... It is all that good food he islookingforward to eating!Get one or all of eBobble's LIMITED TIME-ONLY GobbleBobble(TM)live wallpaper line up. Choose from Tofu Turkey, PilgrimPatty andPilgrim Pete, Native Nadine and Native Ned, the reallycoolColorful Corn'u'copia and Falling Leaves.Install these live wallpapers to your phone. Switch 'emoutaccording to your mood. Each has something different to offer.Allare great fun!Why have a naked phone when you can give it flarewitheBobblehead live wallpapers? Installing is easy. They load toyourlive wallpaper archive that's already on your phone. That meansyoukeep 'em forever... even after they're no longer available inthePlay Store!These Limited-Time eBobbleheads will be available onlythroughthe middle of December. Then they'll be gone.Grab yours now!Look for eBobble Hanukah and Christmas eBobbleheadlivewallpapers... coming soon!
Spooky Blood Moon Cat 8.0
eBobble Tech
Meow! Hiss! Catch this crazy eBobble BloodMoonHalloween Cat livewallpaper before it runs away. Limited edition!Spooky Cat bobbles his head each time you move your phoneorchange any of the main screens!Get into the spirit of Halloween. Install this freeLIMITEDEDITIONlive wallpaper to your phone. It's just one of severalhauntinglyfunlive wallpapers eBobble offers to help you celebrate theseason.Getthem all; swap them out with ease!When you install all the unique eBobble live wallpapersandvirtualbobbleheads, they store in your applications. Swapping themoutiseasy as 1, 2, 3.1) Go to the Play Store and hit INSTALL.2) Hit DONE when the live wallpaper is installed.3) Return to you home screen and LONG PRESS to open the screenwhereyou can change your wallpaper. Be sure to choose the livewallpaperto find eBobble's Spooky Cat.Get this Blood Moon Halloween Cat and all the otherLimitedEditioneBobble live wallpapers. That's the really scary part. Youwon'tbeable to get them after next week, but if they're on yourphone...theystay there till you take them off.If you miss this chance to get the live eBobbles FREE OFCHARGE,theonly way to get them will be as a special collection inoureBobbleapp! Why wait. Get all of our spooky eBobbles FREE before theendofnext week. We will release one every day. Make this adailyhaunt!